Orchard Grove Primary School is a new free school which opened in September 2023. The school initially opened with one Reception class offering 30 spaces. Each September the school will grow as a new intake of Reception children join the school. Our 2023 starters are Orchard Grove’s “founding pupils” Our fabulous new school will have 14 classrooms (two for each year group), a large nursery, a hall with fully equipped kitchen, a separate studio/activity space, a library, a specialist practical classroom and an extensive playground and large field for play and sport. Site and floor plans are available to view on the school website under the 'School Info' tab.
September 2024 starters will be in our new school building on the Orchard Grove development
Due to the expected build time for the new school, Orchard Grove primary opened initially in its own designated area at its sister school, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (IKB) primary school. IKB primary school is also part of the Blackdown Education Partnership and is just up the road on the outskirts of Wellington. Supervised transport to and from IKB school is provided during this time (although families are very welcome to make their own travel arrangements if they wish) and our Orchard Grove children have their own dedicated teachers and support staff that will stay with them when they relocate to their brand new school.
Children can start school the September following their fourth birthday so children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 are entitled to a full-time school place from September 2024.
If you are considering applying for a place at Orchard Grove, we would be delighted to meet you.
Please email office@orchardgrove.bep.ac to arrange a tour of IKB, providing names and a contact telephone number. Alternatively, phone 01823 711014 if you wish to speak to Richard Healey, the Executive Headteacher.
Orchard Grove’s admission arrangements for 2024/25 can be viewed below.
If you wish your child to join Orchard Grove after 1 September and transfer from another school, you will need to complete an application form and email it back to office@orchardgrove.bep.ac
If you would like to appeal your primary school admission outcome please visit Somerset Council Refused a place at your preferred school (somerset.gov.uk)
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