Pupil Premium is a government initiative which targets extra money towards pupils from deprived backgrounds.
Research shows that pupils from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. Pupil Premium is provided to enable these pupils to be supported to reach their potential.
At Orchard Grove the priorities for our Pupil Premium spending are targeted interventions focusing on those curriculum objectives that pupils in receipt of the funding need to work on next; supporting pupil well-being and self-esteem; supporting speech and language and providing free-of-charge school experiences, trips, visitors and residentials. We believe that these four areas help to remove the main barriers to educational achievement faced by our pupils who receive the funding.
Throughout the school year we track our children through pupil progress meetings. Using data collected we are able to understand the needs of all our pupils. During these meetings, there is a discussion about the progress and attainment of each child receiving Pupil Premium. This allows us to work strategically to close gaps for these pupils using the funds available.
The effectiveness of the interventions funded by Pupil Premium is looked at in detail and actions are drawn up to help accelerate progress. This cycle ensures that children receiving Pupil Premium are carefully monitored so that the funding can be effective.
We are not currently in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, therefore we have not produced a Pupil Premium Statement at this time.